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  • Sep8Tue

    What's In A Name

    September 8, 2009

    Over the past number of weeks, I’ve been working with a good friend of mine as he bounces ideas for his new church name around. It’s been a really interesting conversation and I’m excited at the direction it’s headed – as I am to see the fruits of the work he and his wife are being called to.

    Then today, I read this article over at Church Marketing Sucks - a really interesting approach to naming a church.

    Obviously I have my own thoughts and ideas based on my experience in working with churches on their brand of names that will and won’t work. But that’s not to say that just because I do this for a living, that my thoughts and ideas are definitive.

    So, I’d like to ask you, the readers of this blog, your ideas on what makes a good church name and how did you arrive at yours? Or better yet, give me examples of how your church name is working for your church brand and its growth in your community.

    I’m intrigued to hear your responses!


    On Friday, September 11, 2009, C3 Trev said:

    We just went through a global branding process. The journey was from Christian City Church to CCC to C3 and finally now to C3 Church. The branding firm (a secular firm in Australia) did a bunch of research and found out that people really didn't know C3 was a church and they wanted to be upfront about that to avoid the feeling of being tricked.

    We are now C3 Church.

    I just got hold of the new global style guide and it's great. They've made "channels" with different colours associated with different parts of church life and then done consistent applications of it for web and print so every church's stuff is unique but has this shared theme/colour on the bottom right hand corner.


    On Friday, September 11, 2009, C3 Trev said:

    We just went through a global branding process. The journey was from Christian City Church to CCC to C3 and finally now to C3 Church. The branding firm (a secular firm in Australia) did a bunch of research and found out that people really didn't know C3 was a church and they wanted to be upfront about that to avoid the feeling of being tricked.

    We are now C3 Church.

    I just got hold of the new global style guide and it's great. They've made "channels" with different colours associated with different parts of church life and then done consistent applications of it for web and print so every church's stuff is unique but has this shared theme/colour on the bottom right hand corner.


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  • Sep8Tue

    What's In A Name

    September 8, 2009

    Over the past number of weeks, I’ve been working with a good friend of mine as he bounces ideas for his new church name around. It’s been a really interesting conversation and I’m excited at the direction it’s headed – as I am to see the fruits of the work he and his wife are being called to.

    Then today, I read this article over at Church Marketing Sucks - a really interesting approach to naming a church.

    Obviously I have my own thoughts and ideas based on my experience in working with churches on their brand of names that will and won’t work. But that’s not to say that just because I do this for a living, that my thoughts and ideas are definitive.

    So, I’d like to ask you, the readers of this blog, your ideas on what makes a good church name and how did you arrive at yours? Or better yet, give me examples of how your church name is working for your church brand and its growth in your community.

    I’m intrigued to hear your responses!


    On Friday, September 11, 2009, C3 Trev said:

    We just went through a global branding process. The journey was from Christian City Church to CCC to C3 and finally now to C3 Church. The branding firm (a secular firm in Australia) did a bunch of research and found out that people really didn't know C3 was a church and they wanted to be upfront about that to avoid the feeling of being tricked.

    We are now C3 Church.

    I just got hold of the new global style guide and it's great. They've made "channels" with different colours associated with different parts of church life and then done consistent applications of it for web and print so every church's stuff is unique but has this shared theme/colour on the bottom right hand corner.


    On Friday, September 11, 2009, C3 Trev said:

    We just went through a global branding process. The journey was from Christian City Church to CCC to C3 and finally now to C3 Church. The branding firm (a secular firm in Australia) did a bunch of research and found out that people really didn't know C3 was a church and they wanted to be upfront about that to avoid the feeling of being tricked.

    We are now C3 Church.

    I just got hold of the new global style guide and it's great. They've made "channels" with different colours associated with different parts of church life and then done consistent applications of it for web and print so every church's stuff is unique but has this shared theme/colour on the bottom right hand corner.


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